Universidad Panamericana | César Augusto Gallegos Flores
César Augusto Gallegos Flores
César Augusto Gallegos Flores

Mtro. César Augusto Gallegos Flores

Full Time Professor

Business School

Aguascalientes Campus

Area: International Market Intelligence

Contact: cgallegos@up.edu.mx

Master's Degree in Human Capital Development and Management from Universidad Panamericana, Bachelor's Degree in Marketing. Management Development Program by IPADE Business School.

Complementary studies at the University of the Holy Cross in Rome, ITESM and University of Arizona, Instituto Matias Romero, among others.

Currently, he is the Director of Graduate Studies at the School of Business Administration of the UP Ags campus and a member of the Interinstitutional Academic Council of Graduate Studies and of the Steering Committee of the School of Business Administration.

Member of the Board of Directors and General Director of Human Talent of Grupo de Desarrollo Infantil Irmeo S.A. de C.V.

She has collaborated with companies in different sectors such as: Telcel, Grupo City-Banamex, IMSS and funeral groups, Royal Prestige corporate, Grupo Carnico "El Potrero" and CASES content agency.

Mail - cgallegos@up.edu.mx