Dr. Félix Orlando Martínez Ríos of the School of Engineering and Dr. José Luis López Aguirre of the School of Communication, both Panamericana academics, help us to understand AI from a proactive approach and offer us a series of best practices, functions and recommendations to make the most of its use in teaching and research.
Dr. Hiram Ponce, Coordinator of the PhD in Artificial Intelligence at Universidad Panamericana, and Mtro. Ismael Medina, Senior Cloud Architecture at Microsoft; help us understand the GPT technology that is revolutionizing the world and placing artificial intelligence in the spotlight.
In an interview with Fernanda Cuen, deputy director of the School of Business at the Mexico City Panamericana campus, Álvaro Vertiz, partner of the consulting firm Dentons Global Advisors, talks about sustainability in business, i.e. the environmental, social and governance aspects that are part of a company's ecosystem.
Sandra Anchondo, Fernanda Canale and María Teresa Enríquez reflect on the challenges and obstacles they have experienced as mothers, teachers or researchers in the academic field and exchange ideas to positively influence today's culture.
GLASS is the Logistical Guide for the Attention to Sensitive Situations of the Universidad Panamericana that exists as a permanent means of attention to cases related to acts of violence, harassment, harassment, abuse, discrimination and other behaviors that, within our institution, affect the healthy coexistence of the members of our university community.Denuncia at glass@up.edu.mx.
Postgrados Panamericana and Educación Continua invited Alejandra Castillo Soriano, finance director at Walmart; Ileana Barrera Alonso, global senior marketing manager at PepsiCo, New York and Mercedes Palomar, founder and CEO of Lady Multitask; women leaders in their fields and passionate about their work, who shared their experience and the keys that led them to success in finance, marketing and hospitality.
Dr. José. Villela Vizcaya, psychiatrist of the UP Clinical Psychology Unit, invites us in this second episode to listen to the inner world that lives in us to enjoy all the benefits of self-knowledge, in order to genuinely project our essence and personal brand. Are you ready for the UPgrade?
Dr. Teresa Bourlon tells us about the three areas in which she has developed her career in medicine to become one of the women who contribute to the transformation of a better world.
Fernanda Talayero, alumni of the School of Nursing at the Mexico campus, returned to her alma mater to share with us valuable life lessons that her profession in the intensive care unit has taught her, not only as a professional, but also as a patient.
Paula Gárgoles, PhD in fashion, and Aranxa Lobato, Hospitality Manager, share with you the importance of implementing your personal brand from university life in order to enhance your professional image from now on.
Learn about the story of Father Carlos Cervantes and how he has made a positive impact on the lives of so many people during his time at Panamericana.
Dr. Ligia García Bejar makes us reflect on the behavior of audiences from the digital transition of the audiovisual market.
Who are we and what can we do to be better people and have a positive impact on our environment? Dr. María José García Castillejos, current director of the Women's High School at Universidad Panamericana, talks to us about this in this new installment of Voices that Inspire.
When Javier Cruz started working at Panamericana, he was determined to stay for a short period of time, save enough money and move with his wife and children to another state to take what he considered to be a better job opportunity. A terrible illness would manifest itself in his son to alter the family's plans and tranquility, putting their faith to the test and bringing them closer in an unimaginable way to the one who inspired the founding of our university: St. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer.
Enrique Beltranena, founder and CEO of Volaris, tells us how he has faced the changes and challenges involved in running an airline, reaffirming that the ability to continue creating and resilience are a success factor.
How similar is the Metaverse to the Oasis in "Ready Player One"? Dr. Karina Perez and Mtro. Philippe Prince talk to us in this episode about the technological and legal implications of this new fictional universe.
Psychology is constantly developing and, during the pandemic, it had to face new challenges and adapt. How to help, not only people at home, but also those in the line of fire? How to be creative and innovative in order to really help? These are some of the questions that our guest asked herself and that she managed to solve with great ingenuity and passion. Listen to our conversation with Dr. Lucía Ledesma Torres, in a chapter that seems to be taken out of science fiction.