Universidad Panamericana | Announcements


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Promotion of research 2024

Universidad Panamericana, committed to research, development and the generation of knowledge in the different areas of knowledge, calls for research proposals through the "Research Promotion" fund.

Call 2024

Project Submission

Annex 1: Research areas

Annex 2: Operating Regulations

Annex 3: Proposal format

Annex 4: Work plan

Annex 5: Research Fellows

Annex 6: Evaluation Rubric


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Intellectual Property 2023

The Universidad Panamericana (UP), through the General Vice-Rectory for Research, the Corporate Direction of Innovation and Transfer (DCIT), the Intellectual Property Committee and the Intellectual Property Management Center (CGPI), invites its full-time professors, who are or have recently been carrying out projects oriented to the creation or improvement of products, processes, services, with a content based on scientific and/or technological knowledge, to receive training on technological and procedural concepts that will allow them to obtain protection of their projects before the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI).

Call for applications

Frequently Asked Questions

Invention Report

Letter of oath to tell the truth


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Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024

Universidad Panamericana (UP) is a Mexican private university that places emphasis on academic rigor and human excellence. It is an institution with a Catholic ethos and a corporate work of Opus Dei.

UP is currently accepting applications for several postdoctoral positions set to commence in July - August 2024 or at a later, mutually agreed-upon date. The university is looking for candidates in various fields:

  • Psychology with an emphasis in clinical psychology and developmental psychology topics, Campus Guadalajara.
  • Food Science with an emphasis on biotechnology and development of new products, Campus Guadalajara.
  • International Law with emphasis on International Arbitration, International Contract Law, or Sports Law, Campus Guadalajara.
  • Applied Artificial Intelligence, Campus Guadalajara.
  • Cutting and packing optimization, Campus Guadalajara.
  • Numerical Optimization, Campus Guadalajara.
  • Humanities, Guadalajara Campus
  • Practical Philosophy and/or History of Philosophy, Campus Mexico City.
  • Media, Religion Corporate Communications & Politics, Campus Mexico City.
  • Hospitality Management , Campus Mexico City.
  • Architecture, Aguascalientes Campus.
  • Food Business Management, Aguascalientes Campus.
  • Law, Aguascalientes Campus.
  • History of Philosophy and/or Modern Thought and Its Representation in Art, Campus Aguascalientes.

Call for applications
