Universidad Panamericana | Fabiola Eunice Saúl Gavito
Fabiola Eunice Saul Gavito

D. in History of Thought. She was Visiting Research Fellow in the Department of Classical Letters at Brown University (USA). She holds a B.A. and M.A. in Pedagogy from Universidad Panamericana. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Theology from the University of the Holy Cross (Rome). She is an English teacher (The Anglo Institute, CELE-UNAM, Cambridge University, TKT). She teaches Theological Anthropology I and II, Ethics, Social Philosophy and Philosophy of Hospitality (ESDAI). She has published a book entitled Hospitality in the Odyssey, and articles related to hospitality, education and the thought-language relationship. Since 2011 she works as Professor-Researcher at the Institute of Humanities.