Universidad Panamericana | Luis Fernando Valdés López
Luis Fernando Valdés López

He is the Head of the Academy of Theology of the Institute of Humanities of the UP Campus Mexico. He holds a degree in Philosophy from UP and a PhD in Theology from the University of Navarra, where he received the extraordinary doctorate award. He is a member of the Mexican Academy of Theology and advisor to the General Secretariat of the Mexican Episcopal Conference. He has published nine books, including academic research in Philosophy and Theology, as well as popular works on Bioethics and on the pontiffs Benedict XVI and Francis. He is a contributor to several indexed journals; for 14 years he has written the column Fe y razón, which is published in Mexico, United States, Spain, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Chile. He has given more than 50 conferences to priests, university professors and students, businessmen, as well as to the general public.

E-mail: lfvaldes@up.edu.mx