Universidad Panamericana | Roberto Alfonso Rivadeneyra Quiñones
Roberto Alfonso Rivadeneyra Quiñones

Semblanza: PhD in History of Thought from Universidad Panamericana (UP), Master in Philosophy from UNAM and Bachelor in Philosophy from UP. Member of the National System of Researchers (SNI), CONAHCYT. Research Professor at the Institute of Humanities of the UP. Author of the book Música y matemática en la filosofía de Platón. Remedios y profilácticos contra el mal (NUN, 2021), as well as several book chapters and articles on Platonic philosophy, popularization and culture. Coordinated, together with Víctor-Isolino Doval, the book Diálogos sobre la guerra (NUN, 2023). Founding president of 3ntre logos, a center dedicated to the dissemination of philosophy. Member of the Philosophical Association of Mexico (AFM), the Latin American Association of Ancient Philosophy (ALFA) and the International Plato Society (IPS).