Universidad Panamericana | Evandro Agazzi
Evandro Agazzi
Evandro Agazzi

Faculty: Faculty of Health Sciences

SNI Level: Emeritus

Campus: Mexico

Area: Philosophy of science, Bioethics, Metaphysics

Contact: eagazzi@up.edu.mx

Professor Evandro Agazzi, received a PhD degree in Philosophy from the Catholic University of Milan, a postgraduate degree in Philosophy of Science from the University of Oxford and training in Formal Logic at the University of Marburg and in Münster. Since 2013 he has worked at Universidad Panamericana, where he has been Full Professor and director at the Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics, Faculty of Health Sciences. He is a member Emeritus of the National System of Researchers, (through the National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico). He holds 10 Doctorates Honoris Causa. He is president of the International Academy of Philosophy of Science. His publications include more than 90 volumes and more than 1000 articles and essays, as contributions in collective works, anthologies, encyclopedias and magazines. Many have been published, in original or translation, in several languages: Italian, French, English, German, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Hungarian, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic.