Universidad Panamericana | Virginia Aspe Armella
Virginia Aspe Armella
Virginia Aspe Armella

Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy

SNI Level: III

Campus: Mexico

Area: Aristotle in New Spain. Ibero-American philosophy: Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Political and liberal philosophy of the 19th century in Mexico.

Contact: vaspe@up.edu.mx

UP Categorization: Full Researcher D


With a degree in philosophy from Universidad Panamericana (1978) and a PhD in philosophy from the University of Navarra (1991), Dr. Virginia Aspe Armella has been a full professor of philosophy in Mexico since 1994. She has been a visiting professor at Columbia University thanks to the award of the Edmundo O'Gorman Fellowship (2018) and is a Member of the Academia Hispanoamericana de Ciencias, Artes y Letras de México, corresponding to the Real Española (2018). He is a member of the National System of Researchers, level 3 (2019). He has published in multiple Mexican university publishers, as well as in Brill, and in journals such as Cauriensia or Religions. Specialist in Mexican philosophy, he currently studies the arguments of social and political philosophy that have been given in Mexico. He is also a specialist in ancient philosophy, specifically on the subject of Aristotle and practical and productive reasoning, and has previously researched the influence of Aristotle in New Spain.