Universidad Panamericana | Armando Enrique Cruz Covarrubias
Armando Enrique Cruz Covarrubias
Armando Enrique Cruz Covarrubias

Faculty: Faculty of Law

SNI Level: II

Campus: Guadalajara

Area: Fiscal Federalism, Human Rights and Legal Argumentation

Contact: arcruz@up.edu.mx


Professor Armando Enrique Cruz Covarrubias holds a J.D. degree from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. He has a master's degree with a specialization in taxation from the same university. He is a researcher level 2 of the National System of Researchers. He has been a litigation lawyer and legal advisor in different agencies. He obtained an honorable mention in his doctorate. He has written several articles for specialized legal magazines. He is the author of several books among which stand out, Argumentación Jurídica y Justicia, (2014) edited by Tirant lo Blanch; Federalismo Fiscal Mexicano (2004), Federalismo y Coordinación Fiscal, (2013) edited by Porrúa; co-author of the book La Justicia Penal en México, (2008) edited by Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas UNAM, La Suprema Corte de Justicia ante la reforma de Derechos Humanos (2017) by Tirant lo Blanch; and Los Derechos Humanos son la bese y el objeto de las Instituciones Sociales (2019), by Tirant Lo Blanch.