Universidad Panamericana | David Escobar Castillejos
David Escobar Castillejos
David Escobar Castillejos

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering

SNI Level: I

Campus: Mexico

Area: Engineering solutions for educational improvement: Development of vistaoptical applications.

Contact: descobarc@up.edu.mx

Professor David Escobar Castillejos received his PhD degree in Engineering Sciences from Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico City) in 2018. During his studies he received scholarships from CONACYT and Tecnológico de Monterrey for his academic excellence. He did research stays at Purdue University (U.S.) in 2014 and 2016. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Imperial College London (U.K.) from 2018 to 2020 and received the Tier 1 Exceptional Promise Visa. Since 2021 he has been working at Universidad Panamericana in Mexico City, where he has been a Professor-Researcher in the Faculty of Engineering. He is a Newton International Fellow (The Academy of Medical Sciences, U.K.) and a member of the SNI, Candidate level (CONACYT). He has publications in scientific journals indexed in Scopus such as Journal of Medical Systems, Applied Sciences, among others. His research interests are in Data Analysis, Haptic Technologies, User Experience, Technology-Enhanced Learning and Intelligent Systems.