Universidad Panamericana | Edgar Demetrio Tovar García
Edgar Demetrio Tovar García
Edgar Demetrio Tovar García

Faculty: Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences

SNI Level: II

Campus: Guadalajara

Area: Determinants of the balance of trade, Determinants of educational outcomes and Economics for language.
for language.

Contact: dtovar@up.edu.mx

UP Categorization: Tenured Researcher D

Professor Edgar Demetrio Tovar García received his PhD degree in Economics from the University of Barcelona in 2008. He received the International Mobility grant from Finland for a research stay at the University of Tampere. Since 2018 he has been working at Universidad Panamericana in Guadalajara (Mexico), where he has been a Research Professor in the School of Economics and Business. He is currently Full Researcher D. In addition, he is a member of the National System of Researchers, level 2 (Conacyt). He has won different awards and recognitions for his research work, including the Revista de Comercio Exterior-Bancomext award in 2018. She has publications in scientific journals indexed in Scopus such as Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Journal of Education and Work, Journal of Religion in Europe. His research interests include international economics and economics of education, among others.