Universidad Panamericana | Elba Díaz Cerveró
Elba Díaz Cerveró
Elba Díaz Cerveró

Faculty: School of Communication

SNI Level: II

Campus: Guadalajara

Area: Media discourse analysis, Media industry and Political communication and citizen participation in the media.

Contact: eldiazc@up.edu.mx


Elba Díaz Cerveró holds a PhD in Journalism from the Universidad San Pablo-CEU in Madrid and is a tenured professor of Journalism at the School of Communication at Universidad Panamericana, Campus Guadalajara. There she serves as Secretary of Research. She is a member of the National System of Researchers (SNI Level II). She is part of the scientific committee of the Revista Panamericana de Comunicación and is an evaluator of journals indexed in Scopus. Her research area is public communication, citizenship and political sphere. She develops it in two lines: journalistic coverage of organized crime and interactivity of digital cybermedia. He has coordinated four books and has just published the third of his authorship, entitled México lindo y herido. Periodismo y crimen organizado desde la mirada de quienes informan. He has also published 16 indexed articles and as many book chapters, and has given more than 20 papers and lectures at international conferences.