Universidad Panamericana | Héctor Jesús Zagal Arreguín
Héctor Jesús Zagal Arreguín
Héctor Jesús Zagal Arreguín

Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy

SNI Level: III

Campus: Mexico

Area: Practical Philosophy of Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas, Relations between Philosophy and Literature.

Contact: hzagal@up.edu.mx

UP Categorization: Tenured Researcher D


Degree in Philosophy from Universidad Panamericana. D. in Philosophy from the University of Navarra. Graduated from the management program (D1) at IPADE (Mexico).

Member of the National System of Researchers, currently level III. Full Research Professor D of the Faculty of Philosophy at Universidad Panamericana.

Throughout his life, he has cultivated research and, simultaneously, has developed an intense dissemination of the humanities. His specialized publications, committees and tribunals to which he has belonged, his participation in congresses, his teaching work and theses directed reflect his area of scientific competence: Aristotelian philosophy. In addition to numerous articles, he has published half a dozen books on the subject. In 1999, he received the Premio Nacional de Ensayo Rangel Frias together with Lopez Farjeat.