We work to build a fairer and more humane world.
From the department of Social Commitment GDL we provide the University Community with an approach to marginality and homelessness, to the promotion in social areas and advocacy in the fight against poverty and inequality.
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Strategic Social Project of Compromiso Social Guadalajara, which was created in 2003 to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities.
In the first 10 years, we sought the labour inclusion of people with disabilities in companies in the ZMG.
Currently, our objective is to raise awareness in order to achieve a Culture of Inclusion of People with Disabilities in the educational and social spheres and within our University Community.
Through various COLABORE programmes, the mission of the project will be achieved, with the support of students and staff on campus.
CONSTRUYE UP, "Strengthening families, dignifying homes".
Strategic Social Project of Compromiso Social Guadalajara in which we seek, since 2011, to improve and dignify the housing of UP Operations Staff and their families, through the active participation of students, alumni, professors and the entire University Community.
Within Construye UP students can carry out their social internships in projects such as: Construction, Communication, Logistics, Database, among others.
In 2018, we obtained the "Honourable Mention" in the Quality of Life in the Company category in the CEMEFI Best Business Practices Award.
UP COMMUNITY, "Bringing communities together, strengthening learning".
Strategic Social Project of Compromiso Social Guadalajara in which we seek, since 2015, to train our students through social practices in the community and create a space for community support for the inhabitants of the neighbourhood where we participate.
The workshops given by the students are: educational, sporting, cultural and culinary. They will serve the settlers as tools for their daily life, their formation in values, the growth of their personal and family life.
In May 2019, we were awarded the CEMEFI Recognition for Best University Practices in the promotion of citizenship.
UP Bajo el Arbolito, share the joy of discovering their present under the Christmas tree!
Strategic Social Project of Compromiso Social Guadalajara, which aims to promote giving, receiving and giving thanks, on the occasion of the Christmas holidays.
UP Bajo el Arbolito was born in November 2016 on the occasion of the Christmas holidays and with the purpose of promoting healthy coexistence: giving, receiving and giving thanks.
The administrative and academic staff of Universidad Panamericana are invited to sponsor the children of the University's Operations Staff with a Christmas gift.
At the end of December, sponsors receive a surprise from their sponsored children.