Panamericana obtains certification in Life Support by the AHA

ZAPOPAN, Jalisco; July 9, 2024.- The Universidad Panamericana Campus Guadalajara is proud to announce that the Health and Wellness Department has recently obtained certifications in Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) and Basic Life Support (BLS), both awarded by the American Heart Association (AHA).

These accreditations are valid for two years, reflecting the department's continued commitment to providing high quality emergency care to the university community.

New certifications

ACLS (Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support) and BLS (Basic Life Support) are essential training programs for medical and emergency personnel, which train professionals in advanced cardiovascular resuscitation and basic life support techniques.

These checks ensure that the Health and Wellness Department team is prepared to handle critical situations, such as heart attacks, effectively and professionally.

Functions of the Health and Welfare Department

The Health and Wellness Department is dedicated to providing primary health care to students and collaborators. Under the direction of Dr. Cristina León Romo, a physician specializing in Family Medicine, the department offers a range of services including:

  1. Primary Health Care: Initial evaluation and treatment of common symptoms, referral to specialists if necessary.
  2. Emergency Care: Immediate response to on-campus medical emergencies.
  3. Medical Evaluations: Complete medical check-ups for gym users and new collaborators.
  4. Health Campaigns: Prevention and detection programs, such as cholesterol, triglyceride and glucose evaluations, aimed at both students and university personnel.

Impact and Future Projections

In the coming months, the department plans to continue its focus on prevention and health promotion, with campaigns such as "Heavy Weight," designed to raise awareness among students about the importance of physical activity and its effects on overall well-being.

Dr. Leon Romo emphasizes the importance of not waiting for symptoms to seek medical attention. "The most important thing is to maintain an optimal state of health through annual checkups and immediate attention for any symptoms."she advises the university community.

The Universidad Panamericana Campus Guadalajara reaffirms its commitment to the health and well-being of all its members, and celebrates the advances and achievements of the Health and Wellness Department in its mission to provide first class medical care.