ZAPOPAN, Jalisco; May 21, 2021


With the objective of contributing positively to society through citizen participation, the professors of the Universidad Panamericana Campus Guadalajara, through the department of Social Commitment, implemented the "Social Projection" in the faculty, which consists of a new process to evaluate and categorize academics according to their degree as a researcher or teacher and at the same time turn them into agents of change in the community.

The idea of this new requirement for the categorization of professors and researchers is to develop and improve the professional skills that characterize Panamericana's academics, as well as to promote and encourage the values that distinguish the university through actions focused on providing solutions to problems that arise in society and at the same time contribute to the benefit of people with projects or links that address a particular need.

Panamerican Teachers

What is the objective of this social participation?

"What we seek in Social Commitment is that teachers, with all their expertise, with all their knowledge, can implement all these intellectual tools to solve a social problem: to positively influence society," said Ekatherine Acosta Demerutis, Head of the Department of Social Commitment of the university.

Likewise, the new implementation for evaluating teachers will serve as support for those social projects that are already underway and require professional assistance.

This is intended to be solved with the experience that distinguishes the faculty of the institution and at the same time contribute to the academic and human growth of each professor.

Panamerican Teachers

The different projects offered by the Social Commitment Department

The types of projects offered by the Department of Social Commitment for professors to take part in are: Applying the Learning/Service Methodology in classes; carrying out a social project for the benefit of the community; participating in social projects within the University; and participating in social projects outside Panamericana.

"This is a great opportunity for professors to express their desire to serve others, to implement a formal project, a project of social transcendence that can have a positive impact for generations," said Ms. Acosta, with the aim of raising awareness among the faculty of taking advantage of the tools that the University provides and putting into practice the spirit of service that describes the institution.

The Universidad Panamericana is proud of the implementation of the new requirement for the categorization of academics, which contributes to human perfection, to the common good and at the same time fully prepares teachers to have a vision driven by the pillars that distinguish the institution and also apply their knowledge to the service of others.

Panamerican Teachers