UP welcomes BBVA scholarship recipients

Mexico City, September 20, 2022.- "The road to get here has not been easy, but we have certainly had people who have been there and have not let us give up. It is our turn to take on this challenge (to enter the Panamerican) with great courage and responsibility," said Denisse Campos Quiroga, 1st semester student of Administration and International Business, scholarship recipient of the BBVA Foundationduring the welcoming ceremony held by the BBVA Foundation and Universidad Panamericana.

La Panamericana and BBVA Foundation

In 2019, the Panamericana and BBVA Foundation signed an agreement in which both institutions committed to cover the academic expenses of young Mexican talents. Thus, this year a new generation of these talents is part of our university community.

Sofía Ize Ludlow, Director of the BBVA Foundation; Dr. Santiago García Álvarez, Rector of the Mexico campus and Salvador Beltrán del Río, Director of Institutional Development of the Mexico campus. Universidad Panamericana campus Mexico and Mr. Salvador Beltran del Rio, Director of Institutional Development of campus Mexico.

UP welcomes BBVA scholarship recipients

Challenges for a bright future

The first to speak was precisely Denisse, who as a beneficiary, spoke on behalf of the BBVA scholarship recipients: "We know that the things that are worthwhile are not easy, but knowing that alone is our motivation to get up every morning. These institutions, the Universidad Panamericana and BBVA demand the best version of us".

Finally, he told his fellow scholarship recipients: "Remember that all dreams have the power to come true if we have the courage to achieve them; that success does not come by chance, but is a matter of perseverance, hard work and sacrifice; (...) every decision and every achievement begins with the decision to try and I am sure that, on our part, that decision is more than made.

UP welcomes BBVA scholarship recipients

Ludlow then took the floor and took the opportunity to thank the Panamerican University and the rector for their support to the BBVA Foundation on behalf of BBVA. She then spoke to the young scholarship holders who have been part of the foundation since they were children: "I am very proud of each one of them, (...) this would be impossible without the universities and it would be impossible without the UP".

UP welcomes BBVA scholarship recipients

Finally, Dr. García Álvarez said about the collaboration between Panamericana and BBVA: "Projects like this one feed virtuous circles in society. What the BBVA Foundation and Universidad Panamericana are promoting are collaborative life projects".

He then told the scholarship recipients: "Tomorrow you must be able to know what you can do for others, what you can do to multiply what you received, how you can make other people benefit," the rector reaffirmed.

He also spoke about the humanism of Panamericana and said: "At UP we are not so much interested in generating good professionals, but good people (...) The important thing is to build a life project based on their whole being" .

UP welcomes BBVA scholarship recipients

The BBVA Foundation is a civil association responsible for carrying out social action initiatives of the BBVA Mexico Financial Group. It has developed educational support programs that, together with Universidad Panamericana, seek to develop transformational leaders for the future of Mexico.

The new generation of BBVA scholarship recipients is made up of:

  • Denisse Campos Quiroga of Administration and International Business.
  • Estefanía Damián Navarro from Administration and Finance.
  • Juan José Domínguez Vázquez of Economics.
  • Vicente González Quezada of Mechatronics.
  • María Guadalupe Huerta Herrera of Accounting.
  • Jaqueline Landa Landa of Government.
  • Óscar André Larruz Castillo of Applied Mathematics.
  • Sheyla María Guadalupe Mendoza López of Administration and Marketing.
  • Idalia Nopal Carrasco of Accounting.
  • Daniel Emiliano Pelaez Romero of Data Intelligence and Cybersecurity.
  • Cristian Ramírez Baltazar of Mechatronics.
  • Blanca Yesenia Sánchez Moreno of Psychology.
  • Marco Antonio Uribe Chávez of Accounting.

UP welcomes BBVA scholarship recipients