Short stays abroad
You can look for internship opportunities and propose them to your School. International Affairs and the Vice Rector's Offices for Research and Educational Innovation seek to promote them, and are therefore conducting diagnostics and creating newsletters to disseminate and take advantage of scholarship and co-funding options.
COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) is a learning methodology that originated in 2004 and has thrived since the pandemic. It involves interactive learning projects conducted online with students and teachers from different countries. Join us: (Fact: from August 22 to July 23, 60 COILs were conducted, impacting 1,200 UP students. Some professors have conducted up to 5 COILs).
Subjects in English
The university is progressively looking to teach more subjects in English, so it has some incentives. You can be part of it. If you are interested, ask in your academic area or explore the Language Center courses.
Mexican History and Culture Courses
These 30-hour classes, held in Mexico City, allow students to gain a better understanding of Mexican culture and its people. In addition, guided visits to historical and cultural sites are organized.