UP in agreement with the Ministry of Education of Cuba

Aguascalientes, Ags. May 21, 2024.- The School of Pedagogy and Psychology of our Pan-American University Panamericana campus Aguascalientes received a visit from the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Cuba with the purpose of generating international academic cooperation ties.

Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Cuba

The Ministry of Higher Education (MES) is the agency in charge of directing, proposing, executing, and controlling state and government policy regarding higher education.

It is worth mentioning that the main processes of Cuban higher education are:

  1. Undergraduate training
  2. Postgraduate training
  3. Science, technology and innovation
  4. Human Resources
  5. University extension
  6. Material and financial resources
  7. Information, communication and computerization
  8. Internationalisation

Generate international academic cooperation ties

This is how the School of Pedagogy and Psychology met with M.Sc. Jorge Félix Pláceres Alonso, Vice President OSDE-GEMES (Business Group); Lic. David Rodríguez Sierra, Vice President of the CIH (Havana International Center); and Msc. Boris Peña Forte, Senior Policy Specialist of the Directorate of International Relations of the Ministry of Higher Education.

During the meeting, topics discussed included cooperation with the three degree programs - Pedagogy, Psychology and Psychopedagogy - at Universidad Panamericana, academic mobility, teacher mobility, COIL project (mirror classes), summer programs, visiting professors, programs for students, working on joint curricula, educational quality, postgraduate advising, double degrees and even research.

As part of the short-term agreements, the following were established:

  • To formalize the collaboration agreement as soon as possible.
  • Open a course in Sport Psychology.
  • To open an international summer course.
  • To work jointly between the postgraduate programs in education with the Master's Degree in Education of the Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas "Enrique José Varona", which has COPEP (Comisión Asesora para el Posgrado) quality.
  • Provide the opportunity for graduate students to take some modules in postgraduate programs in Cuba.
  • Invitation to the School of Pedagogy and Psychology to participate in international events, such as the "International Congress of Pedagogy" and the International Congress of Education.
  • Plan international internships -for the three careers- for the August-December 2024 semester.

With this, the commitment to join efforts to increase cooperation is reiterated.

academic, scientific and technical.