D. in Coaching and Mentoring from Eduardo Ponce de León

ZAPOPAN, Jalisco; July 29, 2024.- The Universidad Panamericana Campus Guadalajara is proud to inform that the professor and researcher, Eduardo Ponce de León Garduño, obtained a PhD in Coaching and Mentoring from the Collegium Humanum, Worcester Management University, in collaboration with the Alfred Nobel Management School of Switzerland.

D. in Coaching and Mentoring from Eduardo Ponce de León

Research and approach

Dr. Ponce de León' s doctoral thesis focused on studying the benefits of mentoring and coaching as tools for students' personal and professional growth. His research lasted approximately a year and a half, and focused on understanding students' expectations of these tools and what the university needs to provide them effectively.

"What I liked most was to be able to understand well what the students expect from mentoring and coachingand what we as a university need to provide them with these tools that allow them to develop personally and professionally," said the Panamericana professor.

Impact of your Ph.

Dr. Ponce de León analyzed success stories in universities in Latin America and Mexico, highlighting the need to implement mentoring and coaching programs in various faculties, not only in areas such as medicine or nursing. His research seeks to provide students with practical and essential skills for their professional future.

"This will lead us to generate programs that help students and that students give us feedback to improve.We already have a very important base at UP and we just need to find, through study, how to develop programs that help them and us to make a much more robust university in this sense," he said.

Challenges and Satisfactions

During his doctorate, the Panamericana professor faced the challenge of balancing his academic, family and professional responsibilities. However, he believes that this experience will allow him to significantly influence the university community, helping students not only in technical aspects, but also in their human development and in the definition of their life projects.

"Having obtained this degree gives me a lot of satisfactionIt allows me to have an impact on the university community and to make students recognize that UP not only helped them technically, but also in the human aspect," he said.

Message to the university community

Dr. Ponce de Leon invites students to take advantage of the university counseling and coaching tools offered by Panamericana, and to focus on developing soft skills that complement their technical preparation.

"Take courses that have to do with the development of soft skills. and try to take advantage of the years you have of study not only to prepare yourselves technically, but to prepare yourselves as people and to seek goals that will help you to develop those skills and knowledge that will make you successful in your life," he recommended.

The Universidad Panamericana Campus Guadalajara congratulates Dr. Eduardo Ponce de León Garduño for his outstanding achievement and hopes that his contribution will continue to inspire the university community to reach new goals and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective disciplines.