One of the most relevant topics for the student community of Universidad Panamericana is employability, which invites them to think: "what will happen once I finish my professional studies?", "what is my role within society?", "am I ready for the working world?"
ZAPOPAN, Jalisco; August 25, 2022.- The Career Services area of Alumni, from the three campuses of the University, organized the first National Symposium "Leaders of Change", from Monday, August 22 to Wednesday, August 22 in Aguascalientes, Guadalajara and Mexico City. Universidad PanamericanaThe first National Symposium "Leaders of Change" was held from Monday, August 22 to Wednesday, August 24 in Aguascalientes, Guadalajara and Mexico City.
The kick off of the symposium took place at the Mexico campus with the "Business Contact" breakfast, which was attended by Human Resources managers from 50 companies to let us know what are the strengths and areas of opportunity of students and alumni working in their companies, so that we can continue to update the curricula to enhance the graduate profiles according to their needs.
At this meeting, Roberto Cabezas Ríos, Director of Career Services at the University of Navarra in Spain, gave a lecture entitled "You don't have to be a genius to be great", where he shared the need to hire not only good talent, but also good people with talent. Afterwards, the guests networked with the directors of schools, faculties and graduate schools of our university, in the presence of Dr. Santiago García, rector of campus Mexico.
Guest panelists
In addition to Roberto Cabezas, we had the participation of Karime Aceves Chávez, co-founder of Grupo Tekzu; Augusto Díaz Ramos, founder and CEO of Pawotec de México S.A. de C.V.; Miguel Ángel Díaz de León, director of ATOTELCEL; and Rafael López Rivera, director of Líder Empresarial. It is worth mentioning that the latter four are alumni of Universidad Panamericana.
A change of era
Our panelists discussed topics related to the new challenges faced by companies and individuals in an environment that has changed radically, both in terms of attracting talent and incorporating it into organizations. They also talked about our responsibility as graduates of Universidad Panamericana to exercise leadership that invites us to create the right conditions to move forward and build together a better future for all.
Mónica Andrea Rodríguez Ramírez, Career Services Coordinator at the Guadalajara campus, said:
"Since everything is changing and it is not known if what is taught/learned now will be useful for the future, the key to change lies in reinforcing training in competencies (and virtues) to nurture critical thinking and fundamental values and, thus, offer a broad perspective and an integral vision to the person, which will help build a fairer, more humane world and, above all, a better world. Companies need professionals with humanistic training. This training is of enormous importance in these times, because there are many companies looking for talent, but the best ones want to find good people with talent".
Through this type of events, Panamericana continues working to provide its students with excellent academic preparation, as well as the necessary tools to develop their skills that will allow them to have a good professional performance in the companies in which they work and, within them, have a positive influence on society.