Universidad Panamericana | Advisory provides Special Case Training
Advisory provides Special Case Training

Mexico City, December 1, 2023. Universidad Panamericanarecognized for its commitment to academic quality and the integral development of its students, has encouraged nearly 150 advisors to develop innovative strategies to address the various risk situations that affect students, through the pioneering initiative of Advisory campus Mexico: Training in Special Casesa project aimed at providing care and emotional support to the student community.

The training is carried out jointly in collaboration with the three campuses that make up the Universidad Panamericana: Mexico City, Aguascalientes and Guadalajara.

Helping students

The objective is to recognize the difficulties that students face on a daily basis, and that have a significant impact, which may be academic, emotional, family or health issues that require optimal support.

While it is true that the advisor cannot by himself address all the problems that affect the student, in his role as a mentor it is essential to identify the problems in order to correctly direct the students to the corresponding experts, capable of supporting them to overcome adversities outside or inside the university.

Skills that the Advisory team has been able to develop in each of them, laying the foundations to offer solid and effective support based on empathy, in a space where students feel supported and understood, far from any sense of judgment.

The strategic choice for a virtual modality to complete the training through the Moodle platform has allowed the consultants to manage their time effectively, working actively in the learning process during the last two years.

Advisory provides Special Case Training

Support and accompaniment

Advisory of the SMART Center of campus Mexico, is committed to continue the training efforts to form all the actors of university counseling and to be a support and accompaniment for our students, helping them to prosper in each of the areas of their lives.

Advisory's long-term vision is that all campus Mexico counselors will have this training, with the intention of ensuring optimal development for every student who walks through the campus.