ZAPOPAN, Jalisco;
"For us it was very important to transfer all the theater that we knew conventionally to digital and that, taking care of the healthy distance and the health of the whole production ... we have been very highly recognized as the best digital production," says Daniel Padilla, professor of the representative group of UP Theater.
The play "Proceso por la sombra de un burro", a tropicalized adaptation by the representative theater group of the Art and Culture department of the Universidad Panamericana, Campus Guadalajara, is a finalist in the 28th International Theater Festival of the UNAM (FITU) competing with 72 other groups.
About the play
"Process by the Shadow of a Donkey, is a fresh, modernized and funny play that combines elements of ancient Greece with modern problems and very comical solutions.
Aimed at family audiences, it is definitely a play that no one can miss", Paola Huerta, student of the School of Communication and producer of the project.
The department premiered its season virtually on April 20, 21 and 22, where Panamericana students and external students were able to watch the theatrical adaptation from their computers.
Due to the success of the public's response to the first virtual season, the representative group decided to apply to the FITU call, standing out among the other competitors and reaching the final.
The IUF provides a platform where students, teachers and researchers at national and international level can disseminate their work and promote professional links at different levels.
Now in its 28th edition, the international call of the festival invited different groups of students and recent graduates to participate in this project with different formats, as a result 72 groups from multiple schools and institutions from different states of Mexico participated, in addition to the participation of foreign countries such as Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Peru.
From August 2 to 15, the selection filter for the grand final was carried out and 17 groups, including the Pan American, were selected to continue participating.
The finalist play "Proceso por la sombra de un burro" was broadcasted on September 3 through UNAM's social networks and remained on them for 48 hours free of charge for the general public.