Universidad Panamericana | Pan American Perspective on Education Reform
A Pan American View of Education Reform

ZAPOPAN, Jalisco; July 14, 2022.- The Direction of Institutional Communication and the School of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Universidad Panamericana campus Guadalajara conducted, virtually, an academic dialogue on the Educational Reform preceded by Mtra. Mónica Camargo Martínez, professor and head of the Academy of Didactics of the School of Pedagogy and Psychology of Panamericana; and by Ms. Fanny Valdivia Márquez, professor of the same university and Director of Accreditation, Incorporation and Educational Revalidation of the Ministry of Education of Jalisco.

New Education Reform Proposal

The academics emphasized that this new educational reform proposal focuses on moving from content to knowledge, recognizing that the 13 grades in the 4 educational levels will be retained and these have been subdivided into 6 phases, in which a set of knowledge will be acquired that will help validate knowledge.

Knowledge, technologies and environments will be the new name of the mathematics subject. At different educational levels, such as preschool and elementary school, the hours of study of this subject will be between three and three and a half hours; on the other hand, at the secondary level it will be five hours per week.

This educational model requires the fundamental support of teachers, principals, students and parents. In this new proposal, the teacher will have greater autonomy over the curriculum and there is even the possibility that the textbook will disappear, they commented.

Every change is accompanied by different challenges and this is no exception, according to the speakers, this proposal presents the following: Understanding for the different stakeholders, as well as the integration and linking of knowledge, curricular flexibility, teacher training and the promotion of the common good.

The Universidad Panamericana campus Guadalajara congratulates and thanks Mtras. Mónica Camargo Martínez and Fanny Valdivia Márquez, for their participation in the educational dialogue on the Educational Reform 2022.