ZAPOPAN, Jalisco;
The Universidad Panamericana, Campus Guadalajara, has a wide variety of Departments so that students and Alumni have a university life rich in projects and experiences that develop their human side.
The Social Commitment Department seeks to carry out social, formative, solidary, recurrent and transforming practices, materialized in relevant aid, with a multiplying effect from the root of social problems.
How will the institutions help?
Through Social Work, students carry out their social practices in one of the 68 institutions made up of nursing homes, shelters, foundations, among many others, with which we have an agreement.
They can carry out these projects throughout their careers, learn about different causes and ways to contribute to building a better world.
This is intended to train students in the different areas of Social Responsibility and when they become Alumni, they will continue with this type of support to institutions or society in general.
Israel Vilchis, the Director of "Fundación Iluminando con Amor", commented on his experience with the Panamericana students, "It has been very gratifying to see how the students are willing to serve in a responsible way, and how they selflessly contribute their talents, skills and creativity in the activities carried out in public hospitals and homes... Thanks to the more than 1,000 alumni and students who have participated with us in these 5 years and have illuminated the lives of thousands of people with love".
Lucila Buentello, Project Manager of "Pequeños Nutriólogos", also commented on the impact of the Panamericana students on the children of the Institution, "In a school they asked us to have the boys and girls go on Friday mornings to teach their sports class and talks on healthy eating habits, because on Fridays when they went, the attendance of the children increased and they were very happy to receive them, in fact they were looking forward to that day, they said it was the best day of the week".
Student participation in social work
Priscilla Cárcoba, Regional Coordinator of the Pacific Zone of Fundación Lazos IAP, said, "It has been a very good experience, it has given us the opportunity to reach more people, to add to the cause of education people aware of this reality and betting on the future of children. Alumni are committed to making the lives of our children better".
For Panamericana, seeing the human side of the students and Alumni supporting these institutions, and seeing the commitment they show towards them, shows that their philosophy has impacted the lives of their students.