ZAPOPAN, Jalisco; 


"It is the time for reciprocity, but also to generate a culture and what better than here at the University to be able to permeate the importance of providing this type of donation that has a wonderful benefit for the community." shared Maria de Lourdes Rosales Corrales, Head of the Protocol Office.

Panther Heart

Within the framework of altruism and social commitment, which are part of the pillars of Universidad Panamericana, the Business Leaders Committee, its allies and sponsors: REDAC, Dulces de la Rosa S.A. de C.V. and Corbec worked together to carry out the first edition of Corazón Pantera, a Blood Donation Campaign that took place within the University's facilities on October 26, 27 and 28, 2021.

In order to solve a great health need in our country, such as blood transfusion, 120 members of the Panamericana community, including students, teachers and administrative personnel, altruistically registered to be donors and participate in this praiseworthy campaign.

"Today I have the possibility of having my mom alive thanks to the blood donation of 9 people. If you have the opportunity to help someone, don't hesitate," said Melissa L. Reyes, ESDAI student and blood donor.

Panther Heart

Panther Heart Inauguration and event participants

The inauguration of the event took place at the University facilities, with the participation of Karina González López, Project Leader; Ana Cristina González de Alba, Coordinator of the AD and ADEF careers; Fernanda Canale Segovia, Director of the Family Business Administration and Management degree program; Dr. Guadalupe Becerra Leyva, Director of the Corbec Blood Bank; Dr. Germán Enrique Michel López, Deputy Director of Mazapán de la Rosa S.A. de C.V.; MBA Alejandro García Casas Casas S.A. de C.V.; MBA Alejandro García Casas S.A. de C.V.; MBA Alejandro García Casas S.A. de C.V.; MBA Alejandro García Casas S.A. de C.V. Guadalupe Becerra Leyva, Director of the Corbec Blood Bank; Mr. Germán Enrique Michel López, Assistant Director of Mazapán de la Rosa S.A de C.V; MBA Alejandro García Casas, Director of the Bachelor's Degree in Administration and Management; Mr. Arturo Uribe Avin, General Secretary of REDAC (Red de Asociaciones Civiles y de Participación Ciudadana A.C.); and Mr. Armando González Gómez Ibarra, Vice President of REDAC.

"In these times we are living in a pandemic, this is a great act of solidarity. Every day there are small tragedies where a patient is in urgent need of a unit of blood, platelets or plasma and we don't have it (...) Thank you very much for supporting this project and thank you very much for helping us save lives," concluded Dr. Guadalupe Becerra Leyva, Director of Corbec Blood Bank.

Panther Heart

For Panamericana, the creation of Panther Heart means an act of love that represents the human values of the University, causing a positive effect within the community, but above all in the transfused people.

He thanks all the humanitarian heroes who came to donate blood and all those involved in the realization of this campaign.