Universidad Panamericana | Panamericana Student Groups Hold 2021 Inauguration Ceremony
Panamericana Student Groups Hold 2021 Inauguration Ceremony

"How you feel personally is what you are going to transmit to the people around you, improving the weak skills we possess and strengthening the skills we already master par excellence are an important part of human growth. Personal and professional growth are a necessary balance in the business world. We do not train common people, we train leaders"- Alexandra Velázquez Carranza, president of CANACO.

Zapopan, Jalisco; August 27, 2021
The students belonging to the different student groups of the Universidad Panamericana Campus Guadalajara took their oath of office for the 2021-2022 cycle. The event was held in a hybrid manner. The presidium was formed by Dr. José Antonio Esquivias Romero, Rector of Universidad Panamericana, Campus Guadalajara, Dr. Rocío Ruiz Mendoza, Vice Rector of University Life, Dr. José Francisco López Torres, Director of the School of Business and Eng. María José Andrade Leguer, Coordinator of Student Groups.

During the event the outgoing presidents of the student groups said goodbye to their teams, reflected on their efforts and thanked their team for the work that was done. The outgoing presidents were: Marisol Jáuregui Alcalá (UP Alumni Society from August 2019 - December 2020), Jorge Eduardo Fernández Cota (UP Alumni Society from January - June 2021), Eduardo Morales Vizcarra (ENACTUS), Sara Elia Tapia Pérez (CANACO EMPRENDEDORES UNIVERSITARIOS) and Luciana Rodríguez Ramírez (COPARMEX UP). All 5 were presented with a gift and an acknowledgement as a form of appreciation.

Afterwards, the incoming presidents dedicated a few words:
SAUP - Karla Valeria Alatorre Larrañaga: "Like everyone in the society, I am here to serve, but more than anything, I would like to be seen as a friend, and that is the essence that as SAUP we want to transmit: trust, loyalty,
care, support, honesty, and any other quality that is indispensable in a good friend.
good friend."

ENACTUS - Daniela Mejía Romero: "As a group, we understand that it is time to be more responsible and conscious, so we constantly strive to seek comprehensive solutions to the problems that arise in the world."

Panamerican student groups hold a protest

CANACO EMPRENDEDORES UNIVERSITARIOS - Alexandra Velázquez Carranza: "How you feel personally is what you are going to transmit to the people around you, improving the weak skills we have and strengthening the skills we already master are an important part of human growth. Personal and professional growth are a necessary balance in the business world. We do not train common people, we train leaders".

COPARMEX - Luis Manuel Castellanos Marroquín: "a solid work structure will be created to provide entrepreneurs with practical tools that they can apply to their businesses, the right networking channels will be created so that chapter members can meet the right people to help them realize their ideas.
help them realize their ideas, social projects will be a fundamental part".

To close the event, Dr. Esquivias thanked and congratulated the outgoing and incoming presidents.

The Universidad Panamericana appreciates the work and dedication of the outgoing presidents and wishes the new presidents who will be in charge of the student groups an excellent term.