Taller De Teatro UP Presents "12 Personas En Pugna".

Aguascalientes, Ags, March 30, 2023.- The Theater Workshop directed to students and adults, presented the play "12 personas en pugna" at the beginning of March.

Theater workshop

"As a result of my daughter's participation in the play "Les Misérables" -performed by the UP last year-, and seeing and touching the theater environment, I also wanted to live the experience," said Javier Casillas, an Engineering student from our Aguascalientes campus, when he enrolled in the first theater workshop for adults.

The senior theater workshop began in September 2022 under the direction of Professor Rafael Paniagua, promoted by the Department of Arts and Culture, with the objective of bringing theater to our Alumni and adults and to continue collaborating in the cultural dissemination and artistic development in the state of Aguascalientes.

Taller De Teatro UP Presents "12 Personas En Pugna".

12 People In Strife

The workshop concluded with the staging of the play "12 Angry Men" based on the play "Twelve Angry Men" by Reginald Rose.

The students were able to present the play on March 4 and 5 at the Antonio Leal y Romero Theater with 4 performances, and on March 10 and 11 at the Aguascalientes Museum with another 4 performances, reaching more than 800 spectators who, on more than one occasion, recognized their work with standing ovations.

"I can't believe it's the first time several of them have performed on stage, their work is very organic, excellent," commented one of the audience members.

Taller De Teatro UP Presents "12 Personas En Pugna".

"It was a rewarding experience in many ways...You can discover things in yourself that you didn't know," said Emilio Balderas, Industrial Engineer, who played Juror #3.

Taller De Teatro UP Presents "12 Personas En Pugna".

"The fact of connecting with our emotions was very important, it helped me a lot and helped me to grow", commented Gerardo Ballesteros, teacher and Jury 4 in the play.

Taller De Teatro UP Presents "12 Personas En Pugna".

The workshop developed different techniques for acting, introspection, analysis, memory, creativity, safety, companionship and teamwork.

The presentations had as guest sponsors people of great prestige and theatrical career in our state: Julieta Orduña, Miryam Almanza and Abdallá Téllez, who presented the awards to each of the participants.

Taller De Teatro UP Presents "12 Personas En Pugna".

This workshop will have its second edition in August 2023. If you want to see how this staging was experienced, we invite you to watch this video: