Universidad Panamericana | Dr. José Antonio Esquivias discusses "Connections and Equilibrium".
Dr. José Antonio Esquivias discusses "Connections and Equilibria".

The rector of the Universidad Panamericana Campus Guadalajara, Dr. José Antonio Esquivias Romero, was invited by Dr. Eduardo Andere, author of the book Conexiones y Equilibrios: Cerebro, mente y ambiente para aprender y crear, to discuss his writing at the International Book Fair (FIL) 2022, on December 1st.

Also, under the organization of the School of Pedagogy and Psychology, they analyzed the book in the facilities of the Universidad Panamericana Campus Guadalajara the following day.

Connections and Balances

Connections and Balances: Brain, Mind and Environment for Learning and Creating scientifically investigates the emotional and rational ingredients that intervene day by day in the teaching-learning process, from home to university and work performance.

Dr. José Antonio Esquivias discusses "Connections and Equilibria".

The discoveries shared by Dr. Eduardo Andere on the mechanisms of our training teach how to creatively manage the brain-mind interaction in the vital process of optimizing learning and changing negative habits to lead a fulfilling life.

Analysis of the book

For Dr. Esquivias, reading Dr. Eduardo Andere 's book was a "journey", as he states that "It is a book that transcends through time, circumstances and new conditions".

In his book, Dr. Eduardo Andere argues that the measurement of educational level by the PISA test only measures the attainment of knowledge, instead of measuring the issue of learning. For Dr. Esquivias, learning is "taking that knowledge, making it your own and using it to solve life's problems".

Dr. José Antonio Esquivias discusses "Connections and Equilibria".

A point that the rector of the Universidad Panamericana Campus Guadalajara highlighted was that "After learning, we have to think if the end is really learning or if the end is education, because we have the knowledge, the learning and the usefulness of knowledge to solve our lives".

But on the other hand, "There is a third leap that has to do with educated people having happiness in life, regardless of socioeconomic level. That's where we may be looking at whether educational level is happiness, whether what is being measured in the PISA tests is really educational level or is it simply the level of knowledge."

The Universidad Panamericana Campus Guadalajara thanks Dr. Eduardo Andere for the invitation to our rector, Dr. José Antonio Esquivias Romero, to comment on the book Conexiones y Equilibrios: Cerebro, mente y ambiente para aprender y crear, and wishes him every success in the launching of his book.

Dr. José Antonio Esquivias discusses "Connections and Equilibria".