Mexico City, March 8, 2023.- In order to continue to provide support and help empower women victims of violence, making an inclusive outreach focused also on men who are victims of violence, the Bufete Jurídico Gratuito Social (BJGS) of the Universidad Panamericana renewed for six months its collaboration agreement with Mitsubishi Motors.
Assistance provided
According to UN Mexico, worldwide, one out of every three women has suffered violence at some point in her life and in Mexico two out of every three. Meanwhile, one out of every four men suffers some type of violence and more than 10,000 men suffer some type of sexual aggression daily.
Thanks to the initial agreement, signed in October 2022 between the UP BJGS and Mitsubishi, more than 140 women have already been served free of charge and comprehensively.
This assistance focused on addressing needs such as divorce (23%), alimony (10%), custody and guardianship (9%), sexual violence (8%), alimony (20%), theft, fraud and kidnapping (3%). However, it also attended other cases such as loss of parental rights, inheritance, injuries, harassment, dispossession, family and economic violence.
In addition, in order to broaden the dissemination and knowledge of the issue of gender violence and to reach more women, two workshops were held to address this type of violence from a psychological perspective and the means to prevent it.
Positive changes
For the Panamericana BJGS, this alliance means achieving positive changes in families and communities in Mexico City, which will transform our society. The above, seeks to achieve it under the values of respect for the dignity of people, professional ethics, quality, trust and free of charge that govern the firm.
Likewise, the BJGS considers it a duty to promote the participation of people so that they are protagonists of their own development, know their rights and can demand them.
Together BJGS and Mitsubishi Motors work with honesty, professionalism, commitment and transparency. The link between the two has allowed the creation of dialogues and actions that fight against inequality, promoting human, social and possibly economic development, enhancing the dignity of people.
About BJGS
In order to avoid legal defenselessness, the Bufete Jurídico Gratuito Social has been working for more than 30 years to ensure that low-income individuals and families can access legal services in Mexico free of charge, sponsoring and supporting them in the resolution of their legal problems.
The BJGS was founded on the initiative of students and professors of the School of Law of the Universidad Panamericana, from where they have provided first level assistance to more than 51 thousand direct and indirect beneficiaries.
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