March 15, 2023.- In order to commemorate the various generations of alumni who have passed through our institution, the Alumni Department held the first "LEGACY UP" awards ceremony. Universidad PanamericanaThe Alumni Department held the first "LEGACY UP" awards ceremony, where parents and children gathered in the same space to experience the pride of being part of our institution.
First Generation
It was in 1993 that the first generation of students graduated from our Aguascalientes campus. Aguascalientes campus. Our institution's classrooms have graduated 5,174 undergraduate students, which is equivalent to 30 generations of 23 different careers; more than 6,700 people have graduated from graduate programs, and if we go to the Pan-American system level, each of us is part of a community of more than 50,000 undergraduate and graduate graduates .
In addition, several of the university's governing bodies are also the result of these classrooms, as well as professors and academic advisors who have returned to their university but now in a different role. UP graduates have had the opportunity not only to work professionally in Mexico but also around the world in a dignified and comprehensive manner.
This award ceremony was organized by the Alumni department of Conecta UPwhich in our Aguascalientes campus is integrated by:
- Maestra Haydée Rico Hernández, Director Alumni Aguascalientes
- Dulce María Puente Aranda, Alumni Aguascalientes Coordinator
- Maestro Daniel Ahumada, Alumni Aguascalientes Coordinator
- Claudia Franco Muñoz, Career Services Aguascalientes Coordinator
"It fills us with joy that you are here and, above all, to thank you for your repeated confidence in your University to the point of turning studying here into a family tradition," says teacher Haydée Rico Hernández.
In addition, during the event, the teacher and director of Communication of our Aguascalientes campus, Francisco García Pimentel, also an Alumni of the institution, gave the lecture "The Big 5: drawing the success of the nineteenth century", where he shared some tips for students and professionals with which they can perform in a comprehensive manner with the values of their alma mater.
UP Legacy Award
On the left side is the Panamerican oak, that half is the Alumni parents, the seed that bore fruit for the children. Parents are strong trees; in ancient Greece, the oak was considered a tree sacred to Zeus and, as such, a symbol of justice and moral rectitude. For the Panamerican, the oak is the richest tree since creation. It symbolizes superiority, moral, spiritual and physical strength in the face of adversity. Its rooted trunk represents the deep solidity of the humanistic formation that inspires study.
On the left side, the text LEGACY represents the children: popular wisdom says that the best inheritance that can be left to a child is education, and an education of both academic and human excellence is what they find at Panamericana. It is the trust in the institution that passes from one generation to the next.
The recognition we give to the families is designed in such a way that they can be integrated (the parents are the oak tree and the children are the legacy) and can be exhibited independently; but, when assembled, they form the complete logo, thus expressing the strength of the family and the trust in the university.