Mexico City, September 9, 2022.- In order to create a social awareness and support campaign for women who are victims of violence, the Bufete Jurídico Gratuito Social of the Universidad Panamericana(BJGS) and Mitsubishi Motors have joined forces by signing a collaboration agreement.
Jorge Vallejo Sánchez, President and CEO of Mitsubishi Motors de México; Dr. Santiago García Álvarez, Rector of Campus Mexico; Sandra Zamora Galván, Director of the Bufete Jurídico Gratuito Social, A.C., and Dr. Fernando Batista Jiménez, Director of the School of Law, were present during the ceremony.
The outlook for women
According to UN Mexico, worldwide, one out of every three women has suffered violence at some point in her life, and in Mexico, two out of every three.
Likewise, the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) indicates that in Mexico approximately 66.1% of women aged 15 years and older have experienced some incident of violence, whether in the family, at work, with a partner or in a community setting.
That is why, in order to break the circles of violence, Mitsubishi Motors de México and BJGS have created together Together for Womena multidisciplinary support project that will provide support to women who do not have access to psychological or legal help.
For the Panamericana BJGS, this alliance means achieving positive changes in families and communities in Mexico City, in order to transform our society always under the values of respect for the dignity of people, professional ethics, quality, trust and free of charge.
Sum of wills
Dr. Garcia said: "At Panamericana we join the best, that is why it is an honor that today the alliance between the Bufete Jurídico Social Gratuito and Mitsubishi Motors is formalized, because for us, joining forces for a cause represents a reason for being".
He also said about the BJGS: "For us, the Law Firm is an example of service attitude of social projection, not all universities have it, so it represents a pride for this house of studies".
She also thanked the Law School for its participation in this project and for its interest in contributing to the solution of social problems. " The only way to solve the problems related to women is through the sum of wills, of many efforts, and in that sense, this proposal seems to me to be very timely," she said.
The CEO of Mitsubishi Motors de México then commented: "For us it is important to join in these types of actions that help to combat and eradicate gender violence. I firmly believe that as a private initiative, we have the obligation to support the society in which we operate".
Dr. Batista said, "This agreement unites us in the same desire to fight against inequality, which has afflicted women so much. We hope that our alliance will contribute to reducing this inequality gap, improving the lives of many women and families in Mexico.
Sandra Zamora declared: "this is the first time that the BJGS has achieved an alliance of this type with a private initiative entity whose values and principles are in congruence with those we represent, seeking to improve the lives of those whose circumstances do not allow them access to justice in our city".
Founded as an initiative of students and professors of the Law School of Universidad Panamericana, the BJGS has been working for more than 30 years so that low-income people can have access to justice in Mexico free of charge, sponsoring and supporting them in the resolution of legal problems.