Panamericana and 5 high school students represent Mexico at the International Young Physicists Tournament

The Universidad PanamericanaThe Mexican Republic, as national headquarters of the international tournament for young physicists, and 5 students selected from several high schools around the country, represent Mexico in the International Young Physicists' Tournament (IYPT), which takes place in Timisoara, Romania, from July 16 to 23.

The International Young Physicists Tournament (IYPT), sometimes referred to as the "Physics World Cup", is a scientific competition between teams of students. It mimics, as much as possible, real-world scientific research and the process of presenting and defending the results obtained.

Participants have almost a year to work on 17 open-ended inquiry problems. Many of the problems involve easily reproducible phenomena that exhibit unexpected behavior.

Objectives of the International Young Physicists Tournament

The goal of the solutions is not to calculate or arrive at "the right answer", as there is no such notion here. The Tournament is rather conclusion-oriented, asthe participants have to design and perform experiments, and draw reasoned conclusions from the outcome of the experiments.

The competition itself is not a pencil and paper contest, but a representation of a scientific discussion (or a thesis defense) where participants take the roles of Presenter, Opponent and Reviewer and are evaluated by an international Jury.

The team is formed and guided by 2 international judges Javier Rodriguez and Luis Alfonso Guerrero; and by 5 high school students: Diana Laura Garza, Estefania Lee Gonzalez, Kevin Adrian Campos, Maria Fernanda Morales, Victoria Daniela de la Mora.