Art that overcomes limits with imagination

ZAPOPAN, Jalisco; September 29, 2022. Department of Art and CultureThe exhibition "Creativity: The Challenge" by the artist Felipe Gallo Reynoso, (FGALLOR), was inaugurated throughout the central building of the Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara Campus.

Art that exceeds limits

The gallery consists of 22 samples of photography, pictorial and intervened images. The author's intention after presenting this collection of images, is to awaken restlessness in the spectator so that he/she can discover for him/herself the diverse forms and techniques that we have within reach, with the result of creating plastic images of quality, beauty and message.

Art that overcomes limits with imagination

The author states that for this reason, the exhibition lacks a defined theme, in order to fulfill the intention of presenting the diversity between conceptual photographs, landscapes, urban motifs and photo-painting (intervened images). Other complementary motives are to show the combination of two disciplines, causing beauty by merging an excellent technical realization to achieve a magnificent realism.

Not all photographs are art, but there are some that radiate beauty which become art; they provoke emotions, they move us, they speak, they generate an indescribable restlessness.

The exhibition will be on display in the central building until November, we hope that from this collection the university community will form a connection with art and discover Mexican artists. On the other hand, we are deeply grateful to Felipe Gallo for presenting his art at the Panamericana.

Art that overcomes limits with imagination