Universidad Panamericana | Bufete Jurídico Gratuito Social and Mitsubishi present results on behalf of women
Bufete Jurídico Gratuito Social and Mitsubishi present results for the benefit of women

Mexico City, July 10, 2023.- In order to support women victims of violence, in 2022 the Bufete Jurídico Gratuito Social A.C. (BJGS) of the Universidad Panamericana and Mitsubishi Motors joined forces with Juntos por las Mujeres, a project that has come to an end . For this reason, BJGS has presented a results report that shows that the plan, which sought to assist 100 women over six months, has been able to help 356 people .

Bufete Jurídico Gratuito Social and Mitsubishi Juntos por las Mujeres (Free Social Law Firm and Mitsubishi Together for Women)

Figures in Mexico

According to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), in Mexico, approximately 66.1% of women aged 15 years and older have experienced some incident of violence, whether in their intimate partner relationship or in community, work, family or school settings.

The National Women's Institute reports that of the total number of women who have suffered physical and/or sexual violence by their partner or ex-partner (23.2% of married or unmarried women and 42.4% of women who have ever been in a union), only 17.8% of married women and 37.4% of separated women reported the aggression.

Together for Women

Of the 356 people who benefited directly from Juntos por las Mujeres, 267 were women, 77 were men and 12 people identified themselves under another gender .

On average, BJGS serves 1,500 direct beneficiaries per year, which is close to six thousand indirect beneficiaries. With this joint project with Mitsubishi Motors, BJGS served 356 direct beneficiaries in six months, which implies 869 indirect beneficiaries .

Bufete Jurídico Gratuito Social and Mitsubishi Juntos por las Mujeres (Free Social Law Firm and Mitsubishi Together for Women)

The work carried out between both institutions demonstrates that the effort and union between the private initiative and a civil organization provides great results.

Founded as an initiative of students and professors of the Law School of Universidad Panamericana, the BJGS has been working for more than 30 years so that low-income people can have access to justice in Mexico free of charge, sponsoring and supporting them in the resolution of legal problems.

For more information go to: www.bufetejuridicogratuito.org.mx

Bufete Jurídico Gratuito Social and Mitsubishi Juntos por las Mujeres (Free Social Law Firm and Mitsubishi Together for Women)