FIMPES visits Ciudad Panamericana

Mexico City, November 21, 2023. Pan American City received last Monday, November 6, a special visit from the Federation of Mexican Private Higher Education Institutions (FIMPES).

The purpose of this visit was to verify compliance with the quality criteria that were reported as part of the preparation of a self-study to include this site in the accreditation currently available at Universidad Panamericana in all its campuses.

FIMPES visits Ciudad Panamericana

FIMPES and the Pan-American

FIMPES is a non-profit civil association of voluntary affiliation that groups 109 Private Institutions of Higher Education, with more than 930,000 students enrolled in more than 400 university campuses located in 31 states of the country .

Its purpose is to contribute to improving the quality of education of its affiliates, as well as to represent the interests of its members and the members of their communities in order to serve Mexico.

In October 2019, the Universidad Panamericana obtained institutional accreditation (Accredited 7) before FIMPES, this being the highest level a university can obtain.

Since Ciudad Panamericana began operations in 2021, the Federation was notified and subsequently requested to initiate the self-study process to include it in the accreditation valid until October 2026.

FIMPES visits Ciudad Panamericana

Visit to Ciudad Panamericana

During the visit of FIMPES to Ciudad Panamericana, Dr. Santiago García Álvarez, rector of campus Mexico; Cecilia Canal Garrido, vice rector of campus Mexico; directors of the headquarters, as well as the team of Institutional Direction of Planning and Evaluation and the managers of Accreditations and Certifications of the campuses were present.

María Eugenia Bolaños Vargas, director of the FIMPES Accreditation System, and Raquel Chavira Fierro, head of the FIMPES Analytical System of Information on Institutions (SAii), attended on behalf of FIMPES.

FIMPES visits Ciudad Panamericana

As part of the agenda, the FIMPES visiting team was welcomed followed by a tour of the campus facilities. Afterwards, several interviews were held with Panamericana authorities.

In light of the generous effort made by the members of the working groups of the three campuses for the preparation of the self-study report, we are certain that our actions in favor of continuous improvement will bear fruit.

We are confident that these efforts motivate us as an institution to face the results of this new review with enthusiasm and confidence. In our educational institution, we are inspired by ambitious goals and by the talented people who are part of it.

FIMPES visits Ciudad Panamericana