Universidad Panamericana | UP News

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María Fernanda Alonso, International Business alumni from Universidad Panamericana, talks about her memorable time at our institution. Also, based on her experience in Seattle, she offers specific advice for those interested in studying abroad.

During his visit to Universidad Panamericana Axel Honneth, one of the most important figures of the third generation of the Frankfurt School, reflected on the deficient labor conditions in our country, the level of unemployment and the ways to gain recognition in Mexico.


The Sound of Science | Propositional Looks at AI Apps

Dr. Félix Orlando Martínez Ríos of the School of Engineering and Dr. José Luis López Aguirre of the School of Communication, both Panamericana academics, help us to understand AI from a proactive approach and offer us a series of best practices, functions and recommendations to make the most of its use in teaching and research.

The Sound of Science | Perspective on GPT-based models, a view from Microsoft

Dr. Hiram Ponce, Coordinator of the PhD in Artificial Intelligence at Universidad Panamericana, and Mtro. Ismael Medina, Senior Cloud Architecture at Microsoft; help us understand the GPT technology that is revolutionizing the world and placing artificial intelligence in the spotlight.

Face to face : Sustainability in the company: environmental, social and governance aspects

In an interview with Fernanda Cuen, deputy director of the School of Business at the Mexico City Panamericana campus, Álvaro Vertiz, partner of the consulting firm Dentons Global Advisors, talks about sustainability in business, i.e. the environmental, social and governance aspects that are part of a company's ecosystem.

Universidad Panamericana

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